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Work Harder

Enjoy The Challenge

Question: What do you love about being an entrepreneur? Answer: I get to lie in every day…yeah right. I’ve been an entrepreneur so long I almost don’t remember jobs before that. I...


I Don’t Balance, I Spin Plates

Question: How do you balance everything? Answer: I don’t think it’s like balancing everything, I treat it more like spinning plates. When I hear the word balance, it makes me think...

daft punk

My Remedy For A Creative Slump

Question: How do you get over a creative slump? Or your remedy for a creative slump? Answer: Caffeine. Lots of caffeine. Just ask my sister and coworker, Blair to vouch. If...

sinister shadowed face

A Startup’s Worst Enemy

Question: What’s the biggest challenge with starting a business, or a startup’s worst enemy? Answer: The biggest challenge is who you are working with. Are they encouraging you? Are they not...

steve jobs

How To Narrow Your Target Market

Question: I think that my product could be used by everyone, but I have been told that it’s important to have a very focused target market. What can I do...

jalopy driving through mud

My First Business Failure

Question: If you could go back to when you started your first business, what would you have done differently? Answer: Nothing. Because it just didn’t work. It’s not about success. I...


How To Avoid New Business Failure

Question: I hear that almost all new businesses fail, what are a few important things I need to do to avoid failure for my business idea? Answer: Here’s the fundamental answer....

Ross recording podcast

Not A Marketer, But A Problem Solver

Question: When did you discover that you had a talent for marketing? Answer: I actually don’t think that I have a talent for marketing. I think I have a knack for...

facebook batteries

6 Tips To Recharge Your Social Media

I’ve been recommending these tips to clients for years. Social media is free. So why not utilize it? If you’re a plumber, electrician, hairstylist, baker, you should be taking advantage...

"Look At Problems Differently" -RM

Why Do I Run A Marketing Business?

Question: So did you choose to start a marketing business because you’re a good problem solver? Answer: I’m really good at being a dick. I’m hypercritical. I’m Scottish. I just...

eddie murphy standup

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

I always think of this Eddie Murphy stand-up where he talks about his wife and how their love is like that 1986 Janet Jackson song. The two have obviously loved...

post box

Dominate Email Marketing

Ask yourself: Who’s buying your stuff and why are they buying it? What is that driver behind their actions? And how can we (the agency) channel more value through (our...

blockbuster video sign

Entrepreneurship At 8, The Video Shop Years

Although my journey into entrepreneurship and marketing as a career was basically a happy accident, I had already entered that world as a kid and loved it. Let’s turn back the...